Saturday, 15 October 2016

Collection and Generic Collection in C#

In this article we will deal with C# collections and Generic Collection with example. Besides of these we also can know about its benefits and limitations.
 A collection can be defined as a group of related items that can be referred to as a single unit. For data storage and retrieval .NET framework provides a special classes for different types of collection, such as ArrayList, Hashtable, queues, Dictionaries etc.
 There are two types of collection are available in C#. They are Standard Collection and another is Generic Collection.
Standard Collection
It comes under the  System.Collections namespace which provides you with many classes and interfaces. Some of them are - ArrayList, List, Stack, ICollection, IEnumerable, IDictionary etc.

Following are some  frequently used  classes in System.collection namespace :

ArrayList represents an array of objects whose size is dynamically increased as required.It provides type safety and in some cases provides better performance, especially when sorting value types.
It represents a collection of key/value pairs that are organized based on the hash code of the key. A key can be of any data type but should not be null.
Represents a first in, first out (FIFO) collection of objects. the capacity of queue is number of elements the queue can hold. it accepts null reference as a valid value and allows duplicate.
Represents a last in, first out (LIFO) collection of objects. it accepts null reference as a valid value and allows duplicate.

ArrayList : An ArrayList is a collection from System.collection.It is a dynamic array whose size can increase or decrease dynamically. It can hold the items of different types. Elements of the ArrayList can be accessed using integer index randomly. And the indexes in this collection are zero-based. An arraylist supports multiple readers concurrently. ArrayList is loosely typed collection and it never ensure compile-Time type checking.
Benefits of ArrayLists

  •             Array List starts with Zero elements, its capacity increase/decrease automatically when we add or delete the elements from the ArrayList.
  •       We do not need to specify the array size. By default its capacity is Zero. And to  retrieve its data we use the index number.
  •       We can remove any element from an Arraylist very easily.
Limitations of ArrayLists

  • The flexibility of ArrayList comes at a cost of performance. Since memory allocation is a very expensive business, the fixed number of elements of the simple array makes it much faster to work with.
Note: [ArrayLists are slower and more resource-intensive than a conventional array.]

Example :

ArrayList objArray = new ArrayList();
Once you create an instance of the ArrayList object. You don't need to specify the size. It creates empty ArrayList object, you can use the Add() method to add elements to it, as in:
static void main()
ArrarList  lstArr=new ArrayList();
lstArr.Add(new Empty());
foreach(object item in lstArr)


A hashtable can hold numbers of element. Its default capacity is zero. When element are added to hashtable, its capacity automatically increased as required.The key of hashtable may be any types such as string, int, datatime etc.To find the data in hashtable we uses the key, and it gives the correspondent value. And we also can remove its element easily using the key.

Benefits of Hashtable
  • A hashtable can hold numbers of element. Its default capacity is zero. When element are added to hashtable, its capacity automatically increased as required.
  • The key of hashtable may be any types such as string, int, datatime etc.
  • To find the data in hashtable we uses the key, and it gives the correspondent value. And we also can remove its element easily using the key.

 Limitations of Hashtable

All the key in the hastable should be unique. Becouse it works as an index.
Since, hashtable requires boxing and unboxing, due to that it is slower than the generic collection's objects.

The following Hashtable program uses a date index. First we define a Hashtable object and add some predefined dates. Thereafter we create a DateTime type variable to store user input and finally we display the output. 

using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace CollectionApp {     
class Program    
     static void Main(string[] args)    
          Hashtable obj = new Hashtable();      
          //Adding elements in hastable's object.       
          obj[Convert.ToInt32("2")] = 222;         
          obj["Two"] = "Bhimsen";         
            //display data          
           Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");       

Hashtable is a data structure that implements the IDictionary interface. It stores each element in the form of key/Value. A key cannot be null but value can be null. It is used to store multiple items and each of these items is associated with a unique string key. Each item can be accessed using the key associated with it. In short, hashtable is an object holding the key-value pairs.


Queues refer to a list in which insertion and deletion of an item is done on the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis. The items in a queue are inserted from the one end, called the rear end, and are deleted from the other end, called the front end of the queue.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class QueueExample
    static void Main()
        Queue<string> strQueue = new Queue<string>();
        foreach(string name in strQueue)


Stack is a list in which all items are accessed and processed on the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) basis. In a stack, insertion of elements is known as push operation and deletion of element are known as pop operation. The capacity of stack is the number of element the stack can hold. During insertion and deletion of element its capacity increases and decreases respectively.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class StackEx
    static void Main()
        Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();
        foreach(int item in stack)

Generic Collection

It comes under the System.Collections.Generic namespace. It is more flexible and provides the type-safety to your class at compile time. While creating a data structure, you never need to specify the data type at the time of declaration.  It provides the type safe code with re-usability like as algorithm. In algorithms such as sorting, searching, comparing etc. you don’t specify what data type(s) the algorithm operates on. The algorithm can be operates with any types of data. In the same way Generics operate, you can provide different data type to Generics.

Following are some  frequently used  classes in System.Collection.Generic namespace :

It is a generic class which represents a collection of key/value pairs that are organized based on the key. Each addition to the dictionary consist of value and its associated key. Retrieving a value by using its key is very fast.
It is a generic equivalent of the ArrayList class.It represents a list of objects that can be accessed by index. it also provides methods to search, sort, and modify lists. Size of List is increased dynamically as required.
Represents a first in, first out (FIFO) collection of objects.It is useful for storing data in the order they were received for sequential processing.s
Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are sorted by key based on the associated IComparer<T>implementation.
Represents a last in, first out (LIFO) collection of objects.

Dictionary<TValue TKey,>( Key/Value Pairs)

The Dictionary<TValue TKey,> generic collection enables you to access to elements in a collection by using the key of each element. Each addition to the dictionary consists of a value and its associated key. Retrieving a value by using its key is fast because the Dictionary class is implemented as a hash table.

The following example creates a Dictionary collection and iterates through the dictionary by using a For Each statement.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Collection
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)


        private static void ReadWriteDictionary()
            Dictionary<string, Student> objStudent = CreateDictionary();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Student> kvp in objStudent)
                Student oStudent = kvp.Value;

                Console.WriteLine("key: " + kvp.Key);
                Console.WriteLine("values: " + oStudent.Roll + " " +
                    oStudent.Name + " " + oStudent.Address);

        private static Dictionary<string, Student> CreateDictionary()
            var studnets = new Dictionary<string, Student>();

            AddDataToDictionary(studnets, "Bhimsen", 10, "New Delhi");
            AddDataToDictionary(studnets, "Avnish", 20, "New Delhi");
            AddDataToDictionary(studnets, "Shakti", 30, "Noida");

            return studnets;

        private static void AddDataToDictionary(Dictionary<string, Student> lstStudent,
            string name, int Roll,string Address)
            Student objStudent = new Student();

            objStudent.Roll = Roll;
            objStudent.Name = name;
            objStudent.Address = Address;

            lstStudent.Add(key: objStudent.Name, value: objStudent);

        public class Student
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public int Roll { get; set; }
            public string Address { get; set; }


Represents a list of objects that can be accessed by index. It also provides methods to search, sort, and modify lists. Size of List is increased dynamically as required.
            List<Student> lstStudents = new List<Student>();
            Student objStudent = new Student();
            objStudent.Name = "Rajat";
            objStudent.RollNo = 1;       
            objStudent = new Student();
            objStudent.Name = "Sam";
            objStudent.RollNo = 2;       
            foreach (Student currentSt in lstStudents)
            Console.WriteLine("Roll # " + currentSt.RollNo + " " + currentSt.Name);

It represents a last in, first out (LIFO) collection of objects. The capacity of stack is the number of elements the stack can hold. The default initial capacity of stack is 10.
Stack<int> stc = new Stack<int>();
A Stack data structure is created.
The Push() method adds an item at the top of the stack.
The Pop() method removes and returns the item from the top of the stack.
The Peek() method returns the item from the top of the stack. It does not remove it.

Queue are useful for storing messages in the order they were received for sequential processing. Objects stored in Queue are inserted at one end and removed from the other.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Collection
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Queue<string> Num = new Queue<string>();

            foreach (string number in Num)



Hope, This is helpful to you. 

Thank you.

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